StoryFile Uses Technology To Keep Memories Alive


SBJ Editoral Team

September 29, 2012

StoryFile has been shortlisted in the 2022 SaaS Awards program as Best Newcomer in the Innovation class and Best Product for Non-Profits and Education in the Learning & Corporate Social Responsibility class. StoryFile launched its first SaaS product, Conversa, in March of this year, and major corporations and cultural organizations are already using it.

StoryFile is the inventor of the AI-powered conversational video platform Conversa. Its cloud-based, patent-protected technology is a powerful AI storytelling tool for training and institutional knowledge. It enhances and improves organizations’ daily communications – such as customer services, recruitment or sales – with its user-friendly platform. At the enterprise level, StoryFile makes interactions with organizations more human, with data being provided to make the experience better, and users having more agency. Wherever there is a question to be asked, Conversa can be used to provide a video answer.

“Though we founded StoryFile five years ago and have been perfecting this technology every day since, this is our very first year as a software company,” said StoryFile CEO Stephen Smith. “So we’re especially honored that the SaaS Awards judges recognize our mission to make AI more human.”

Head of operations for the SaaS Awards, James Williams, said: “The shortlisted candidates announced today…have proven to be truly innovative thinkers in the SaaS industry. Stay tuned for our August announcement of category finalists, representing those few solutions who can demonstrate that extra edge in impressing our international panel of judges, who are now left with a next-to impossible task.”

In addition to several Fortune 500 companies, StoryFile has worked recently with the Japanese American National Museum, the National Marine Mammal Foundation, the ALS charity Paint for a Cure, the sustainable agriculture project Healthy Soil Biomes, and the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission. The company also created The Black Voices Collection allowing the public to converse with 12 African American leaders, scholars and witnesses.

Learn more about StoryFile and have conversations with William Shatner, tech investor Tim Draper or the heroes of the Black Voices Collection at
